Makoto Ishikawa
Program Director
(English below)
資格及び経歴:中学及び高等学校教諭一種免許(外国語(英語))、剣道2段、晴海総合高校-明治大学文学部英米文学科卒業、ハワイに1年間留学救世軍の弟子訓練プログラム「Revolution Hawaii」修了
一言:NEW HOPE 麻布へようこそ!皆様に興味を持って頂けるプログラムをご用意してお待ちしております。興味が湧いてこないのならば作って見せます!ぜひ、一度笑顔と神様の愛で溢れたこの場所へ一度足をお運びください。
Date of Birth: November 29th, 1995
City: Tokyo
In charge of : Language (Engish & Japanese), Music (Brass Instrument, Guitar), Bible Study
Educational background/Certification: Harumi Sogo High School - Meiji University english literature, Certified English teacher of Junioh High and High school, Kendo 2nd dan.
Favorite scripture : But He(Jesus) said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me. - 2Corinthians 12:9
Greeting: Welocme to NEW HOPE AZABU! We are waiting for you with exciting programs! If they can't make you interested. We will make one for you! Please come our love and smile filled place!!