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Programs プログラム

NEW HOPE AZABU is the place for everyone and every generation. We do our best to make the programs YOU are interested in. Let us know if you have any request! 

NEW HOPE AZABUでは麻布地域の老若男女どんな方にも楽しんでいただけるよう様々なプログラムを提供させて頂いています。開催してほしいクラスやイベントがあれば何なりとお申し付けください。  

MIni Kids Art2.png

kids Art キッズアート

Teacher: Aika Sunabe Mori Sonoko(Certified nursery teacher)

講師: 砂邊愛加、森園子(保育士)

Mini Kids Art Club ミニキッズアートクラブ

For kids under 6

対象: 6歳未満のお子さん

1時間 hour ¥300/ 1 child

90分以上 Stay more than 90 minutes ¥500/ 1 child


1時間 hour ¥300/ 1 child

90分以上 ¥500/ 1 child Stay more than 90 minutes

We provide the time for your kids to use hands, stimulate their creativity, and have so much fun! Each time we provide something to make, drow, or paint. We prepare the art that is appropriate for their ages. ​お子さんが手を動かしながら、想像力や発想力を身に着けることのできる楽しい時間をご用意いたします。工作、絵、ペイント等様々な作品をご用意いたします。それぞれの年にあったアート作品を準備いたしております。


Kids Fun Club キッズファンクラブ​

Staff: Makoto Ishikawa(Certified teacher), Aika Sunabe, Sonoko Mori (Certified nursery teacher), Sayaka Miyagi (Certified nursery teacher)

スタッフ: 吉田公義(保育士)、石川眞(教師)、砂邊愛加、森園子(保育士)、宮城冴香(保育士)

Every Wednesday 3-5pm

毎週水曜日 15:00-17:00

Price 値段: ¥1,000


(English below Japanse)














15:00-15:30 運動アクティビティ

15:30-16:00 工作

16:00-16:15 お菓子タイム

16:15-16:45 宿題タイム(先生独り占め)

16:45-17:00 運動アクティビティ

Parents,this is the place you have longed for!

We provide time for physical activity games, crafts, music, boardgames and more! Snack will be provided.

We will build fun time togather with your children.  Instead of having fun using phone or iPad, we encourage your children to find fun in interactive friendship, physical activity, using hands for art. We compliment, encourage, and discipline, if necesary, your kids, hoping that your kids grow well in true love.

What's special about this program?

・Our staff will do our best to meet your request. You can ask like these, "Help him/her finish homework and give them advice how to solve", "Take his/her electric devices during the program", "Give my child idea for crafts and help him/her" Just ask anything.

・Kids can use all the crafts material anf tools from our gigantic shelves. 

・You can reserve one on one lesson time. I unit is 15 minutes and you can reserve up to consecutive 2 unites.

We have certified English teacher and Music teacher that possible classes are here below.

A class for helping homework, English Conversation, English grammar, Japanese conversation, Japanese grammar, Brass instrument, Guitar, Piano, singing, Music theory.

This is in the order of reserve. You can reserve this lesson time by request us in the reservation page, or you can ask us when you arrive at New Hope Azabu.

・Of course join in onlu activities is more than welcome!

Schedule example.

3-3:30pm Physical activity game

3:30-4pm Crafts

4-4:15pm Snack time (All the kids will have snack time togather.)

4:15-4:45pm Homework (One on one lesson)

4:45-5pm Physical activity game

One on Lesson Photo 横 4.3.png

One on One Lesson マンツーマンレッスン​(Now lessons fully reserved)(現在満員です)

Teacher: Makoto Ishikawa, certified English teacher, member of Japan Staff Band (Euphonium)

講師:石川眞 ( 中学高校英語教師資格保持、ジャパン・スタッフ・バンド在籍(ユーフォニアム奏者))

Three spot on every Thursday.


¥1000/ 1 lesson

Language Lesson: Japanese or English


Music Lesson: Brass Instrument, such as Trumpet, Euphonium, Eb Horn, and Bass. Guitar, Ukulele


To live is to learn! Let's learn something new for you to enjoy! 


Language Lesson: We will try to find the best level, method, and style at the first week. Then We wull bulid up your Language skills the way you can enjoy.


Music Class: First time we will interview you about what you want to learn, what instrument do you have or not anf etc.

We can start from how to lead music sheet then actully learn to play!



​Dance ダンス


Teacher: Shizuka Sugiyama, professional dancer

Kids Dance Class キッズダンスクラス

¥500/ 1 person

Mom's Dance Exercise ママ's ダンス~エクササイズ~

¥500/ 1 person

Mom's Dance ママ's Dance!

¥1,500/ 1 person

Our dance class is not only for those who have learnt Dance before, but for beginners, who may hesitate to attend the dance class at a dance studio. Luka sesei is a sophisticated dancer and she will let you find joy in dancing!


Contents (Each class has slightly different contents.) 内容(各プログラムごとに内容が多少異なります。)

・Stretch ストレッチ

・Workout 筋力トレーニング 

・Isolation (body-control) training アイソレーション(ボディ・コントロール)トレーニング

・Rhythm Training リズムトレーニング

・Dance with Choreography ダンス(振付)

What you need 持ち物

・Water 水

・Towel タオル

・Clothes suits for activity 動きやすい服装

・Participation cost 参加費

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Paint events ペイント・イベント

Teacher: Sara Takabatake, Students of an famous university of art.

講師: 髙畠咲良(某有名芸術大学学生)、原田理沙 (絵画受賞歴多数)

Kids Paint キッズ・ペイント

¥2,000/ 1 Canvas

Paint Night ペイント・ナイト

¥2,000/ 1 Canvas

Our talented teacher Sara will give you a step-by-step introduction. You don't need to be good at painting at all. Just show up and enjoy painting! At the end of program you will be an artist! Of course, you can bring finished picture home.



Kids Paint: This is mom(dad) and me event. For kids around 5-12 who are able to focus on 2 hours with your help. they will work together to make their own cute/cool painting. For kids who lose their concentration, we will prepare fun exercise or games.

キッズ・ペイント: おかあさん(おとうさん)とお子さんのためのイベントです。5-12歳のお子さん、またはおかあさんの助けもかねて2時間集中ができる子が対象です。家族で協力して、かわいい(かっこいい)絵を完成させましょう。集中力が途中で切れてしまった子のために、息抜きのエクササイズやゲームも準備しています。

Paint Night: This is a Paint day for you. It will be the day for your treat. We will take 3 hours to finish beautiful painting with a cup of tea, snacks and coffee (If Covid situation is okay.) anybody who can concentrate on 3 hours can join it as well (even if oyu are  child) Note that we will have a time of devotion, which is a small talk about the Bible.

ペイント・ナイト: 大人のあなたのためのご褒美イベントです。(コロナの状況が落ち着いている場合)コーヒーやお菓子をつまみながら、3時間をかけて美しい絵を完成させましょう。お子さんの場合でも3時間集中力が続く場合はご参加いただけます。​


Couple Night: That's the day for couples! We will make two canvas sized art. One on the right side , the other on left side. Family, Friends can also join in, but just don't argue about who will bring them home or which room you will put it. Note that we will have a time of devotion, which is a small talk about the Bible.

​カップル・ナイト: カップルのためのペイント・ナイトです!2つのキャンバスを使って大きな1つの絵を協力して完成させて頂きます。ご家族や、友達とでもご参加いただけます。



Bible Study バイブルスタディ

Teacher : Makoto Ishikawa and other Salvation Army Officer (Pastors) and Pastor from other Church.

講師: 石川眞、そのほか救世軍士官(牧師)及び他教会の牧師

Bible Study for beginners and non believers 初心者のための聖書の学び会

Free *There will be time for offering, but it's not obligated. 無料(献金の時間がございますが強制ではありません。)

No reservation needed. (Of course you can make a reservation)


If you have ever asked yourself, "Is God real?", "What's the purpose of my life?" or something like this. This is the place for you!

Let's find out together what the Bible is, who Jesus is, and what the Christian life looks like! No hesitation needed!

Their will be many pastors that will share their experiences and share their knowledge. We honestly hope that you will find salvation here!





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